Monday, February 23, 2009

Want to Get Away?

Two Greek prisoners have escaped from prison in a helicopter -- again.

So I'm being told that his is not the first time that the two have escaped from prison in this manner, and they were successful both times? How is that even possible? Seriously?

After being recaptured (one in 2006 and the other in 1008) they were placed in solitary confinement, but were allowed to take a daily walk outside. That is when a helicopter lowered on top of the prison grounds with a ladder rope -- which the inmates climbed. Guards who attempted to stop them were suppressed by AK-47 fire stemming from the helicopter. Fortunately, no guards were injured during the escape.

According to police reports, the pilot of the helicopter was forced at gunpoint by a couple, originally posing as tourists, to fly the plane over the complex. Afterwards, he was found bound and gagged, but alive, after police found the vehicle.

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