Saturday, February 14, 2009

Thoughts on... Farphalisious

[NOTE: this article was written back when I was an architect major -- hence the nickname AG (architecture guy), continue]

farphalisious [farr-fa-lish-us]: verb, to be beyond pathetic. Example: Jim has no social life. He is very farphalisious.


Is this a real word? No. It is something that I came up with today in the cafateria after deciding that I needed to create a word for no particular reason. Why the definition? Simply put, pathetic does not fully describe the nature of what my life has become and I feel that there should be another word to describe it. Why farphalisious? It is a funny-sounding word (and also the word that I came up with on my very first attempt--which suprised me at how good I was at this). The main reason that I feel that I needed to create a word is so I can have the following scenario in which someone uses the term that I created in a normal everyday conversation.

Random Girl: Yeah, the cafateria here is farphalisious.[across the room]

Architecture Guy: YES!!! WHOOOOOO!!!! BOO-YA!!!

Girl: What the hell are you doing?

[Architecture Guy walks up]

AG: You just used the word farphalisious, right?

Girl: So.

AG: That's my word. You just spoke a word that I created.

Girl: Bullshit. Nobody just randomly creates words, that's stupid.

AG: [laughing] Yeah, stupid enough for you to have just used it.

Girl: What the hell is wrong with you, seriously? Were you dropped on your head as a child or did you just take one too many hits off of the bong today? You know, you're not supposed to drink the bong-water.

AG: No, I swear. I was sitting over there, eating my food, and decided that I should create my own word just to see if anybody uses it.

Girl: Why would you do that again?

AG: So that something like this conversation would happen. I even wrote a column about the conversation that would take place; it went very much like the one we are having now, except you ended up beating the shit out of me.

Girl: Wait, you wrote a column where I beat the crap out of you? Fair enough.

[kicks Architecture Guy in balls]

AG: [in obvious pain] Bring it, bitch.

[the Architecture Guy proceedes to get his ass kicked]

Girl: Are you gonna' admit that you were lying now?

AG: Hey dyke, I didn't hear no bell.

[once again the Architecture Guy has his ass handed to him]

Girl: [exausted] That's it. You've had enough......I'm done.

AG: [battered and bloody] Why, afraid you're going to break a nail?

[for the third and hopefully final time, Architecture looked like David Guest to her Liza Minelli]

Girl: You know what? Since you are so happy with that fucking word that I know you pretended to make up, here it is. You are fucking..... um.......... eh..........

AG: Farphalisious

[girl kicks Architecture Guy in stomach]

Girl: [furious] Don't ever correct me cock sucker!!! Yeah, you are fucking farphalisious.

[random girl walks away--Architecture Guy is a bloody mess]

AG: At least somebody used it.

1 comment:

  1. Importatnt Note: Just so you know, a guy I work with (Hasan) used that word last night. Your word lives on my friend.
